New Materials, New Possibilities
Oct 3, 2022
Hardie™ Fine Texture Cladding
Preston Lane Architects’ Zig-Zag House is a striking and sympathetic, two-storey contemporary addition of an Edwardian brick terrace in inner-city Melbourne which showcases how Hardie™ Fine Texture Cladding can deliver a modern design aesthetic.
Being a light-weight user-friendly fibre cement cladding product, means Hardie Fine Texture Cladding panels could be used in a different way to create a new and interesting concertina façade concept. From a design perspective, using 600mm wide Hardie™ Fine Texture Cladding panels arranged at 90 degrees with internal and external corner junctions, using the new Hardie™ 9mm Aluminium External Slimline Corner, provides a dynamic exterior that captures shadows as the sun moves across the fine texture finish of the wall panels.
The lightweight cladding wrapping the upper storey ensures floor area is maximised and the ground level can exploit large, open spans. Although attracting attention, the concertina façade also offers privacy as second storey bedroom windows are obscured from direct view by the dynamic exterior. In the courtyard, concertina folds of Hardie™ Fine Texture Cladding continue, and are painted grey, distinguishing them from the upper storey and creating a scene humming with contemporary energy.
Zig Zag house demonstrates that distinctive forms can be both affordable and achievable with Hardie™ Fine Texture Cladding.
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