Be Aware of Construction Priority Harms
Sep 12, 2022
WorkSafe Priority Harms Program
WorkSafe’s Priority Harms program will target workplaces and focus on the most prevalent causes of fatalities and serious injuries and where they are most likely to occur across the building and construction industry, including housing and commercial sub sectors.
The sub sectors identified below have common and individual drivers, challenges, risks and resources when it comes to health and safety. Informed by data analysis and in collaboration with partners and key stakeholders, WorkSafe has developed tailored initiatives specific to each sub sector below. Housing and commercial continue to present a number of concerns and WorkSafe Inspectors will be visiting these workplaces taking a strong compliance and enforcement approach targeting Priority Harms.
In addition to compliance and enforcement activity, we will influence change through partnerships with Industry including education and awareness-raising, developing media campaigns and by encouraging research into new solutions.
It’s every employers responsibility to make sure their employees stay safe at work and return home every day. Learn more at
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