Bowens - The Builders Choice

Event details

Date: 20th October, Wednesday 2021
Time: 4.00pm – 5.00pm AEST
This event will be live-streamed and pre-recorded. If this time does not suit, do not worry, please register and you will receive a pre-recorded link to watch at your own convenience after the live event.

Hosted by John Bowen, we have selected a panel of experts from both the HIA & Master Builders Association of Victoria who will be sharing key insights, advice, and support the building industry in these unprecedented times, who will also look at housing market influences beyond October, as well as what the Governments of Victoria and Australia are doing to reduce the burden on professional trades. The MBAV will look at what builders can do while constrained by Building Contract law on how to deal with these burning topics and questions.


  • Negotiating contracts and the latest updates on the HomeBuilder stimulus package
  • What’s happening in the industry right now and what you should be doing to protect your business with supply demands
  • How can you protect yourself against significant price increases
  • Inconsistent Material Supplies
  • When will things change for the better
  • The facts- Reasons for the situation we are in
  • Extending building contracts without penalty
  • Planning prices now for more cost adjustments
  • Concluding with a Q&A.

Register for our live virtual event by clicking on ‘REGISTER NOW‘.


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