Since 1894, Bowens has supplied the widest range of timber & building products to Australian builders. Learn more about our long history here.
BOWENS 1894-1950
1894: Richard Bowen (pictured left) and Redmond Pomeroy (pictured right) founded “Bowen & Pomeroy Pty Ltd” and officially commenced trading.
BOWENS 1894-1950
1912: Bowens purchases a large fleet of horses employs 12 drivers and a blacksmith to transport timber.
BOWENS 1894-1950
1914: Bowens grows and employs 102 workers but in six months after the outbreak of World War 1, the number of employees drops down to 59 with sales dropping from 55,926 (1913) to 35,350 pounds.
BOWENS 1894-1950
1924: Richard Bowen dies at the age of 59 and three months later his partner Redmond Pomeroy also dies. Charlie Barrass (pictured) steps in to lead the company.
BOWENS 1894-1950
1925: Bowens assist Victoria’s industrial development and imports the first Mershon Roller Recut Bandsaw. This sixty-horse-powered machine produced Oregon beams and framing that later built the iconic Ford Motor Factory in Geelong.
BOWENS 1894-1950
1934: John Richard Bowen becomes managing director.
BOWENS 1894-1950
1941: 22 Bowens employees are enlisted to fight in the Second World War.
BOWENS 1950-2000
1956: Bowens supplies timber for the Melbourne Cricket Ground grandstands as it hosts the Olympic Games.
BOWENS 1950-2000
1959: Bowens supplies Tallowwood flooring for the construction of the Sydney Myer Music Bowl.
BOWENS 1950-2000
1960: A leadership that kept the company afloat in the times of war and the Great Depression comes to an end as Charlie Barrass retires after 48 years of service.
BOWENS 1950-2000
1971: John Richard Bowen passes away at age 61. His son Jack Bowen (pictured) becomes the new managing director.
BOWENS 1950-2000
1976: Bowens Bentleigh East opens.
BOWENS 1950-2000
1978: Bowens Croydon opens.
BOWENS 1950-2000
1981: Bowens Rowville opens.
BOWENS 1950-2000
1982: Bowens new prefabrication plant opens at Bowens Hastings.
BOWENS 1950-2000
1988: Bowens Hallam opens and would later extend to accommodate Bowens Support Office.
BOWENS 1950-2000
1990: Bowens publishes the first copy of their trade publication the 'Builders Bulletin.'
BOWENS 1950-2000
1994: Bowens Taylors Lakes opens.
BOWENS 1950-2000
1999: Bowens Dandenong Prefabrication facility opens.
BOWENS 2000-present
2002: Bowens Laverton opens.
BOWENS 2000-present
2005: John Richard Bowen (pictured right) is appointed as the Managing Director. Jack Bowen (pictured left) becomes Chairman of the board.
BOWENS 2000-present
2007: Bowens Shepparton opens.
BOWENS 2000-present
2008: Bowens Epping & Phillip Island open.
BOWENS 2000-present
2011: Bowens acquires Timbertruss Geelong, consolidating its prefabrication business under the title 'Timbertruss.'
BOWENS 2000-present
2015: Bowens Port Melbourne opens. In the same year, Timbertruss acquires Northside Trusses & Frames business in Brendale, Queensland.
BOWENS 2000-present
2017: Bowens Brunswick opens.
BOWENS 2000-present
2018: Timbertruss consolidates its operations in Corio, opening the largest and most sophisticated prefabrication facility in the southern hemisphere. In the same year, Bowens Pakenham opens.
BOWENS 2000-present
2019: Bowens launches 'Showroom by Bowens,' a high-end architecturally designed facility that sells high-quality building materials, next door to Bowens Port Melbourne.
BOWENS 2000-present
2020: Bowens launches its new eCommerce website with 19 product categories for online shopping and the options of express delivery or Click + Collect.
BOWENS 2000-present
2021: Company legend Jeff Harvey reaches a milestone of 60 years of service with Bowens.
BOWENS 2000-present
2022: Bowens Warragul Opens
BOWENS 2000-present
2022: Bowens acquires local Melton Timber and Hardware
BOWENS 2000-present
2023: Bowens Cheltenham Opens
BOWENS 2000-present
2024: Bowens Hastings Renovates
BOWENS 2000-present
2024: Bowens Belmont Renovates
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