Bowens - The Builders Choice

Bowens NCC Workshop Series

Join us at one of our 13 Bowens NCC Workshops. This series will provide information around products and services that will help builders solve issues that may arise with the latest NCC changes and implementations.

We have our final workshop on the 3rd of July at Hallam. You can RSVP by clicking on the link below.

Date Location  Link to register
Wednesday, 3/07/2024 Bowens Hallam Click here

Bowens NCC Workshop Series will involve a short introduction by Bowens Product Innovation and Business Development Manager, followed by an overview of what is changing in the National Construction Codes and solution-based ways to combat these changes.

The demonstration and supplier information will focus on discussions surrounding Condensation Management, Ventilation, Uncontrolled Air Leakage, 7-Star Rating and Waterproofing.

A range of workshops will be held from April to July, RSVP your attendance by clicking on one of the links below. 

Discussions will aim to assist builders in achieving building code compliance using a range of product options.

These informal NCC Workshops will give builders an opportunity to raise concerns they may have, ask suppliers questions on product-based solutions and chat with other builders regarding the NCC changes and any issues they foresee arising during the rollout.

With FREE food and drinks, and the opportunity to speak to suppliers and other builders, these workshops will provide you with options around meeting the new National Construction Code updates.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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