Featuring over 50,000 products in-store and online, Bowens extensive range ensures you’ll always find what you’re looking for. However, there are products that cannot be stocked in our warehouses, require to be made or need to be pre-oiled or pre-coated off-site. These products are Special Buy-Ins.
Can Bowens source special buy-in products for you? Absolutely!
With long-standing relationships with the industry’s biggest brands and reputable boutique suppliers, Bowens draws on experience, knowledge and industry insights to bring our customers a wide variety of niche and custom-made products to suit your building needs.
Can’t see what you want on our website? No problem. Our dedicated staff can quote, source and deliver a specialty product for you, so you can purchase all your products from one place. We’re here to save you time, money and stress.
Arbre® is a high-quality and versatile engineered timber flooring solution featuring genuine French Oak timber, only sourced from sustainably managed forests in France. Custom specifications of this product can be arranged for your next project.
Our specialty products include but are not limited to;
If you are looking for a specialty product, call your local store, or fill out our Special Buy-In form below. Remember, we’re here to make your next new build, renovation, extension or DIY project as hassle-free as possible.
Special Buy In – Inquiry Form
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